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Not just in Finland
So, the experiment in Scandinavia was brief, but a tell for what the EU leadership/rulers actually want. This, if anything, will split...
India's Downward Spiral Accelerates: "The Real Pain Is Just Beginning"
India is in serious trouble. You cannot take away money and expect a populace to survive. There will be serious repercussions from Modi's...
Visualization Of The Flow Of International Trade
Stunning Visualization Of The Flow Of International Trade by Tyler Durden
Open Borders
Referring to Greg's highlighting of Geo. Soros' profiting from open borders and the migrant crisis. I think in part Silicon Valley's open...
When Dow Chemical Speaks, Ya'll Should Listen
Several articles have reared, but largely ignored as precursors to major shifts in the nation's industrial capacities. First let's look...
The Fallacy Of Central Planning
We here at "newsonthedime" are huuugge South Park fans. It is a perfect testimony to America in the 21st century that a cartoon can...
The Next Big Short
This is the next BIG SHORT "The Big Short's" Steve Eisman Reveals What The Next Big Short Is by Tyler Durden
China’s Holdings of U.S. Treasuries Fall
If China stops buying US debt and it appears it has then the Fed will have to monetize (create Fiat dollars out of thin air, use it to...
Barack Obama May Have Finally Destroyed America’s #1 Advantage
The next nail in the dollar coffin is the ability for global banks to transfer funds directly. Kind of like PayPal on a global scale....
Small Headingnews on the dime
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