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Open Borders
Referring to Greg's highlighting of Geo. Soros' profiting from open borders and the migrant crisis. I think in part Silicon Valley's open...
'Philanthropist' George Soros Set To Make A Killing From Europe's 'Forced Migration&
Coming to the US soon! Doris is out for Soros. Understand this! Did you vote for migrants Europe? You had no choice, did you! This is...
Turkey: the Crossroads for Conflict
One Giant Powder Keg... And The Fuse Is Already Lit by Tyler Durden
When Dow Chemical Speaks, Ya'll Should Listen
Several articles have reared, but largely ignored as precursors to major shifts in the nation's industrial capacities. First let's look...
Final Election 2016 Numbers
This is important readers! You may not hear this anytime soon: FINAL ELECTION 2016 NUMBERS: TRUMP WON BOTH POPULAR ( 62.9 M -62.2 M ) AND...
The Ruling Class, This Election And You
Good article by Stossel. He makes a good point that I never thought of Don Trump's gestures as a way he talks. I too fell into the trap...
The Fallacy Of Central Planning
We here at "newsonthedime" are huuugge South Park fans. It is a perfect testimony to America in the 21st century that a cartoon can...
WJC Exes Come Forward
Finally............Dallas attorney Dolly Kyle comes forward again. Bill Clinton's alleged ex-lover comes out with bombshell claims...
France Islam War?
Only a matter of time until this type of situation enters do United States. Does anyone really not believe that this is headed to our...
Cultural Marxism
This article from 2007 is worth another look. Cultural Marxism by Linda Kimball
Small Headingnews on the dime
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